Application Form

Please make sure you read all of the fields below and make sure you have the relevant information to hand. Be sure to check the Employment Details, Guarantor Employment Details and your Address History as you will not be able to complete the form without them.

To complete this form you will need information on items including; address history, landlord references, bank statements for affordability assessment, your guarantor's address and employment details, among other things.

* denotes each required field.

Thanks for submitting.

1. Personal Details

2. Room Details

3. Employment Details

Please tell us whether you are employed, self-employed, student, housing benefits or unemployed. The following questions will depend on this answer.

Employment Details

Put N/A if not applicable.

Employer Reference

Put N/A if not applicable.

Self-employment Details

This might be your accountant or a main client that provides the bulk of your work.

Student Details

Housing Benefit Details

4. Guarantor Details

Put N/A if not applicable.

You have indicated that your proposed guarantor's homeowner status as 'other', please give details.

Guarantor Employment Details

Please tell us whether your guarantor is employed, self-employed or unemployed. The following questions will depend on this answer.

Your Guarantor's Employment Details

Put N/A if not applicable.

Your Guarantor's Self-employment Details

This might be their accountant or a main client that provides the bulk of their work.

Put N/A if not applicable.

You have indicated that your proposed guarantor is not employed or self-employed (retired for example), please give details.

5. Emergency Contact

We might need to contact somebody close to you, in extreme cases. Please make sure your emergency contact is someone who knows you well and is able to share your health details. Usually this is a partner or parent, somebody you don't mind sharing confidential information with.

6. Address History & Landlord Reference

Property 1

Please fill in a few details about your landlord reference for property 1 below.

If this is less than 3 years, add other addresses below and fill out the same details for each of these.

Property 2

Please fill in a few details about your landlord reference for Property 2 below.

Property 3

Please fill in a few details about your landlord reference for Property 2 below.

7. Previous Housemates

Have you ever lived in a shared house before?*

Please give details of a previous housemate lived with at one of the addresses above.

Please give the first line of the address or the proerty number mentioned above.

8. Affordability & Financial Assessment

Do you have any dependants?*

For instance, children, adults under your care, elderly relatives.

For instance, any savings which may help your application.

Please note that failure to disclose information relating to adverse credit history may result in your application being declined.

Do you have any of the following raised against you:

County Court Judgements*

Court Decrees*


Administration Orders*

Individual Voluntary Arrangements*

Any other adverse credit history*

9. Documentation

Our letting software requires people to have profile pictures, please provide one you are happy with.

10. Residential Status

Are you a British citizen?*

Please upload two files, the front and the back of your Visa document.

11. Additional Information

We have a duty of care to you and the housemates you will be sharing with, as such we need to know about any medial or psychological conditions which you may be affected by whilst under our care. If you currently or have previously been affected by a diagnosed condition please provide details below:

Social Media Links

As part of our referencing we will be looking at social media profiles. Please save us some time and provide us with links to any available below.


  1. I confirm that the information provided in this application form is true to the best of my knowledge.
  2. I am happy for my details to be used for the purpose of referencing and for my chosen contacts to be contacted (including those outside the EEA), with personal information which has been provided in this form to allow them to verify the information about my earnings, dates of employment and previous tenancy term.
  3. I agree to all data I submit being stored online in compliance with Arthur Online's GDPR and Privacy policies as well as Cubed Property’s GDPR and Privacy policies which can be obtained by request.
  4. I confirm that I have completed this form, providing answers to all questions. I understand that if I fail to complete this form correctly or completely, and it is returned to me, the room/property applied for may be taken by a third party should the delays created in returning this form lead to a fresh application being taken on the room by a third party.
  5. By clicking submit, I confirm I have read the UK Government's advice guide for people who are looking for a room, house or flat to rent.